Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

Brown grocery bag filled with vegtables, surrounded by the words B'more Fresh

This program is available until December 2026, funded by the American Rescue Plan Act


What is SNAP 

SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), formerly called Food Stamps, is a federal social benefit program that helps people buy the food they need for healthy lives. Across the United States, 9.5 million families and children use SNAP to buy food. It is the largest program working to fight hunger in America. SNAP helps many people stretch their budgets because the money they would use on food can go towards other needs like medical bills, utilities, and rent. Feeding America

State of Maryland: Department of Human Services



SNAP Eligibility is based on household size, household income, and household expenses! The best way to know is to apply. 

Maryland Eligibility



Online Application on 

Downloadable and Printable PDF application that can be mailed or dropped off to any Baltimore City Department of Social Services, local office address can be found here.


Need assistance with your application?

Recipes for healthy meals 


Giant's Education Videos


University of Maryland Extension's SNAP-Ed Flyers and Tutorials

PDF icon Online Shopping Tips.pdfPDF icon Online Shopping Tips-SPA.pdf

OSNAP tips_frontOSNAP tips_backOSNAP tips_front_SPAOSNAP tips_back_SPA

PDF icon Get the Facts_Plan Shop and Eat Smart.pdf

Educational flyer about Online SNAP titled "Get the Facts"

Online Shopping with SNAP - Video Tutorial 

Screenshot of an online snap video tutorial. The screenshot shows a phone with an image of fruits and vegtables with the caption "Online Shopping is a SNAP"